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Paediatric Care

At Narayan Eye Hospital, Tajpura in paediatnc Opthalmology department there are various operations done for the child from age 06 years to 18 years, which includes Pheco Surgery also.

• Various problems related to eye like, swelling of eyes, Infection in eyes, and watery eye are treated here.

• Problem in eye from birth or at very early age like cataract are treated at very early stage and treated with Pheco machine and foldable IOL facility.

• Children till age of 10 after cataract develops problem of Yag Pcotomy which is controlled and treated with Prinoru Vitrectomy to avoid further deficiency in eye sight.

• After cataract operation eye drops are given as per requirement and then specs are given.

• After cataract operation ample care is taken for Amblyopia treatment.